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consultas de comportamiento de gatos

Professional studies

I am a Master in Functional Analysis of Behavior (SAVECC, Spain), I focus on the application of behavior modification techniques in domestic cats. I have professional training in Ethology applied to felines and canines (CES University), Functional Analytical Training (Escuela canina GB , Argentina), cat training, flower essence management (SIU), physiological feeding (BARF).

I give virtual and face-to-face consultation anywhere in the world, I speak English so neither distances nor language are a barrier.


I am passionate about studying, so I am constantly training myself...




Certified courses


Master in Functional Analysis of Behavior. 

Specialized training in Experimental Behavior Analysis, and in the use of the various methods and techniques of Applied Behavior Analysis 

Exp. by (SAVECC) Sociedad para el Avance del Estudio Científico del Comportamiento

Certified by CIAC (Certificado Internacional de Análisis de Conducta).

Sevilla, Spain.

Ethology and behavior modification applied to felines and canines.

ESC University

Medellin Colombia.

Curso de Experto en Análisis de la Conducta. 

Condicionamiento clásico.

Impartido por el Dr. Santiago Benjumea. Docente investigador. Doctorado en Psicología por la Universidad de Sevilla.

Miembro de la Sociedad para el Avance del Estudio Científico del Comportamiento (SAVECC).

Exp. por EnGrama formación.

Certificado por CIAC (Certificado Internacional de Análisis de Conducta).

Sevilla, España.


Introduction to Functional Behavior Analysis: An explanation of clinical problems. 

Exp. by Psicoflix and taught by Miriam Rocha.  Degree in psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid.

Master in Behavior Therapy from the Therapeutic Institute of Madrid (ITEMA).

Tutor of the Master in Clinical Psychology and Behavior Modification at ITEMA.

Certification ID: 132


Introduction to the principles of learning: Philosophical and scientific bases of Behavior Analysis.

Exp. by Psicoflix and taught by Eduardo Polín, expert in Experimental Analysis of Behavior.

Doctor in Psychology from the UNED

Master's degree in research, adjunct professor and researcher at the European University of Madrid (UEM) and at the UNED.

Full member of SAVECC.

Certification ID: 106


Complete Training in Functional Analytical Training.

GB Canine School - Certificate endorsed by the Argentine Association of Behavioral Sciences AACC.



Basic course of clinical ethology and training of dogs and cats.

University of Antioquia

Medellin Colombia.


Advanced Bach flower essences course.

Catherine Galvis

Flower therapist

Siu Essences


Clicking With Your Cat.

Julie Posluns, Applied Animal Behaviorist (ACAAB)



Diagnosis and treatment
of cats with behavior problems

Animal expert / Forum media group



Physiological Feeding in Cats

MV Clara Fontana. Specialist in animal nutrition and BARF diet.

Holistic Veterinary.


Natural Diet Course

Christian Vergara DVM, MRFVS

Pet first aid workshop.

Mv. Paula Andrea Ortiz Gomez


Animal connection workshop.

Sara Tobon

Social communicator, energetic and intuitive.

consultas virtuales
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